We build for the future

We develop biotechnology solutions to solve the high mortality rate problems harming the global population

Transformative Biotechnological Solutions for Global Mortality Challenges

Cancer detection & treatment

Heart Disease

Opioid Overdose

Welcome to Viva Bio, where innovation meets compassion in our pursuit to develop transformational biotechnology on a global scale. At the forefront of cutting-edge biotechnology, we are dedicated to addressing the critical challenges that contribute to high mortality rates worldwide. Our mission is to pioneer advanced solutions that combat the most prevalent threats to human health, starting with: cancer, opioid overdoses, and heart disease.

Chemistry Laboratory

Biotechnology Laboratory

Cancer Detection and Treatment

Non-invasive body-wide tumor detection and treatment

Novel oxygen sensing MOF-Liposome Drug Delivery System

19 novel compounds with applications for almost every type of cancer screening and treatment

Opioid Overdose Intervention

Oxygen-sensing and customizable smart drug delivery system

Releases Narcan during opioid-induced respiratory depression to stop the overdose

No external administration or activation needed - the system activates automatically during severe respiratory depression

Other Immediate Applications

Cardiovascular Disease Detection and Treatment

  • OLED Screens in Smartphones and TV’s - substantial cost reductions and more powerful lights and colors in hard to achieve spectrums

  • Solar Cells and alternate energy uses

No External Activation Required

Novel compounds can remain activated for up to 12 hours in-vivo without the need for external excitation, enabling groundbreaking tumor treatment opportunities

Ground breaking oxygen-sensing intelligent drug-delivery system that can be activated without external stimulus.

Compound-carrier system allows for non-invasive body-wide tumor detection via infrared (external)

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